Thursday, December 22, 2005


I am not vetty, I have lots of work to do, but whats going on with me? Why am I coming to this page every now and then? I have spent so much time on my blog this week. You can see what I did there...the pic, the clock, the links et al. Why would I want to call this a mania? Here's why-I am up at 2 in the morning for preparing for some presentation, and in that crunch time also I get to this page and start looking at what more I can do here. Can you believe it!?!... Its like I am hypnotically drawn to it.
OMG, I just realized I am being hijacked from my work even at this moment. Last I remember I was doing some testing that has to be submitted in an hour, I guess that is when the mania struck me again and now I am back to my senses. This has to stop!
Well, since anyways I typed all this down, I might as well publish it ;-)

But this OTTA STOP !


At 12/27/2005 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've become a "blogaddict"

At 1/03/2006 3:22 AM, Blogger Krish said...

You took the red pill! Welcome to our world :->


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